Friday, June 3, 2011

Waiting on Baby

I have come to decide that being full term (or at least being aware of it) is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it's a huge relief to know that I don't have to worry about preterm labor anymore. On the other hand, it means I think about how close I am to having Baby in my arms (and not my belly) and whether I may or may not go into labor at a certain moment ALL THE TIME. In fact, it's hard to think about much else.

I can definitely tell a difference in my body, too. Up until a week or two ago I've felt what I would call "comfortably pregnant." Recently though, and especially since the baby has started to drop, I feel more like a cow-sized duck. (Cow because of size, duck because of the waddle.) I don't want to complain to you, though. I don't know anyone who enjoys listening to complaining.

Image source
I can't wait to finally meet my son or daughter face to face, but there are some things I will miss about being pregnant with Baby... the persistence of his/her hiccups, the squirming during car rides, the nudges in the middle of the night... I'll miss looking in the mirror and being reminded of the awesome work of creation going on inside of me. It is humbling to know that I've been entrusted with a life... a life that began so fragile and dependent there was no way it could continue without me.

As the time nears for Baby to begin life outside the womb, I'm realizing that I'm going to have to get to know him/her all over again. I have grown accustomed to each and every intricate movement, but I haven't yet felt the softness of Baby's skin or smelled that fresh baby scent. In the coming weeks I will have to learn Baby's hunger cues, soothe him/her to sleep, and ease him/her into the harshness of the world outside of my womb.

The day is drawing ever-closer when I will hear that wonderful first cry and see my baby's face for the first time... oh what a glorious day that will be.


  1. "Cow-sized duck".....hahahaha! You are beautiful! And you are correct--a newborn is a stranger and he or she redefines the word "family." But its a marvelous experience and I am so excited for you two!! Love you! Momma/Oma

  2. it is unlike anything else! and worth every uncomfortable moment now, and then some!! i cant wait for you to experience those first moments, they are so special!!

  3. I'm so excited for you and Joe!

  4. Jim & Donna Clifton stopped by to check on you and Joe and our new baby! Can't wait to hear his/her voice! (Waaa,waaa, waaa)....but it's a beautiful sound. Love, Jim & Donna
