Monday, June 6, 2011

Final countdown: 1 week to Baby

39 weeks
I have to admit, Joe and I were hoping Baby would arrive this past weekend. I particularly liked June 5 as a possible birthday. I don't really know why... although 6-5-11 would be easy to remember (since 6+5=11). But alas, we woke up this morning with bulging bottom lips, pouting that we had to start another day of waiting.
Cliche, I know... but I like it anyway.

It's not actually so much that we want the pregnancy to end (although I have to say the idea of laying on my stomach is glorious). It's more of a schedule issue. (Note: I think we should probably be concerned about wanting our baby to come because of what's on our calendar... but that's another concern altogether...)

Besides Baby, coming up in the next two week period: Joe's sister gets married, my parents stay with us for the wedding weekend, and staff training starts at camp (which Joe is in charge of). So, it seems to us that the best possible time for Baby to be born would be... well... now. I would love to not be 40 weeks pregnant in those wedding pictures.

I'm glad we don't have to wait forever. I think waiting could probably be listed as a form of torture... maybe even a cause of death in extreme cases. Joe and I hold our breaths with every cramp or twinge of pressure I feel. I think it's actually worse for Joe than it is for me. We're both just SO excited!

Oscar and I took this one just for you, Katie


  1. Oh my gosh! you look READY! congratulations! and thank you for joining the kind blogger campaign!!
