Tuesday, June 7, 2011

You might be about to have a baby if...

I've been trying to come up with a list of the signs of late pregnancy. It's one of those things, though, where you can think of a TON until you decide to write them down, and then you're stumped. Here's what I've come up with so far: 

You might be about to have a baby if...

Your belly gets wet every time you do the dishes

Someone has to help you out of bed in the morning

You can't fit in booth seating when you go out to eat

Only 2 items from your wardrobe still fit: pajama pants and oversized t-shirts

You're wishing for that peed-in-your-pants feeling (signaling that your water has broken)

You find it impossible to get something off the floor from a sitting position

You dream about labor, delivery, breastfeeding, and diapers

Also, your wedding rings don't fit. (For that matter, nothing fits.)

My engagement ring was due for inspection, so I got it out yesterday and tried to put it on, thinking I could just wear it a little snug for a few hours to get back and forth from the store. ...I didn't realize how much my fingers have swollen!

My rings on wedding day
My rings now

It's so sad! Although, it worked out okay... the clerk at the jewelry shop offered to send them out and have them cleaned more thoroughly. Since I'm not wearing them anyway, we decided now is the perfect time to go ahead and do just that. So now, when the swelling goes down postpartum and I can wear my rings again they'll be especially shiny!

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